Terre des hommes deeply concerned about the situation in Ukraine

Terre des hommes deeply concerned by the situation in Ukraine

The escalation of hostilities in Ukraine is having an impact on the civilian population and on children which are already under great stress from years of tension. The Swiss child relief organisation Terre des hommes is deeply concerned about the situation.

Terre des hommes (Tdh) has been providing various services to the civilian population and the children of Ukraine since 2015 with a strong focus on psychosocial support. The recent escalation of hostilities is already taking a heavy toll on children and young people, weakened by years of tension. We are very concerned for their safety, well-being and for their physical and mental integrity.

We call on all parties to the conflict to maintain access to basic services such as health, clean water and food. Families forced to leave their homes must be allowed by the various parties to seek refuge and support to meet their protection needs.

Tdh calls on all parties concerned to avoid all forms of violence and to protect the civilian population, especially children. We remind all parties that, according to international humanitarian law, any attack must be proportionate, and that all necessary precautions must be taken to avoid civilian casualties. Tdh reaffirms that the rights of every child must be respected and their protection ensured, regardless of their origin. 

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